день 47: Кардио. Перевод в работе и уже готов (исправления внесены 2015-07-31):
Day 47: Cardio. Busting myths.
Cardio. Not many love it but everyone heard it that you need cardio to get into shape. If you run or spin a lot you will surely lose those kilograms and get slimmer. That is what they keep writing about cardio on fitness dedicated sites and in those posh magazines, probably the main source of information for most people. Now you will learn that it is not like that and the information above is one of the typical myths about cardio!
There are quite a lot of myths about aerobic training doing rounds among gym-goers but we will concentrate on the seven most popular.
Myth #1: Aerobic training is all you need to lose weight.
To lose weight you need to create deficit of energy, that is you have to spend more than you consume. If you do not have a diet and you chaotically consume food from the fridge, you will not lose any weight no matter how long and intensive you training is.
Myth #2: Low intensity aerobic training helps lose more fat than high intensity training.
Low intensity training involves less muscle that high intensity and it primarily recruits only slow muscle fibres, not fast ones (those fast ones create pretty bulging profiles).
Although low intensity training indeed uses fat as a primary source of energy, the body also tries to conserve more fat for future use thus creating a vicious circle.
Myth #3: Cardio is a waste of time
If you think that aerobic training is useless, then you are wrong again. It is important because it trains your cardiovascular system, respiratory system and muscular endurance! Not the useless qualities, are they?
Myth #4: The more cardio the better for losing weight
Cardio is getting less and less effective because the body adapts to it and works more efficiently.
If your primary goal is endurance than it is Ok to train more. If you want to be fit and lose weight there are more efficient ways.
Myth #5: Aerobic training takes too much time
Since many think that the more cardio the better then aerobic training might take too much time. Actually it is just not like this. On avergage cardio takes practically the same amount of time as strength training.
Правда, ogrudko напоминает о том, чтобы добиться чистого расхода энергии скажем в 100ккал, бегать нужно 20 минут (условно), а подтянуться 20 раз (тоже условно). То есть сжигание одного и того же количества калорий в случае кардио займет больше времени, чем в случае силовых тренировок.
Не стал переводить, т.к. сомнительная аналогия, которую некоторые могут понять буквально. Скорее всего чтобы потратить столько же энергии сколько займет 20 минут бега (для 70 кг чел бегущего 6 мин/км это будет условно 233 ккал, то надо будет подтянуться ~233 раза).
Myth #6: The best aerobic training is running.
Running is one of the most popular kind of aerobic training and it makes people think that it is the most efficient. It is not. The best way for you is the way you really like and the way which is safe for your health. Indeed, not everyone can or should run <отсебятина: and it might be even dangerous for really overweight people >. It is better to choose from aerobic activities the best one you can do and want to do regularly.
Myth #7: Cardio is bad for joints
We have already mentioned it before that there are many ways to do cardio. Some of them are easier for joints than, for instance, running. Cycling, rowing, walking upstairs, <отсебятина: rope jumping, skating and roller blading>. Cycling, rowing and using step or elliptical machines produce very little impact on joints.
Those who believe that they have to do a lot of aerobic training are worried for their joints too because of overuse but have already debunked that myth before.