A key exercise for building core strength is straight leg raises on wall bars (a.k.a. stall bars). In this video, you will learn how to perform your first leg lift with touching the bar.
There are two methods you can use:
1. Use an attached board to the wall bars. Initially, it should cling to the lower crossbar. As you complete the workouts and increase the number of reps in each set, gradually increase the angle of the plane in which the exercise is performed. When it becomes impossible to put the board higher, switch to a hanging position and try to lift your legs at the highest possible angle, bringing your toes as close to the bar as possible on each rep.
2. Hang on stall bars and raise your fully bent legs until your knees touch your shoulders. If you already have enough strength, or when it develops, raise your partially bent legs until they touch the bar, or at least to an angle well over 90 degrees to begin with. Once you can do a few bent-leg raises to the bar, you will become able to lift straight legs for the first time as well.
Whichever method you choose, do a gymnastic fold (paschimottanasana) for 2 minutes every day. It will first develop and then maintain necessary flexibility.
With consistent practice (2 days of training in a row, the 3rd is a day-off; 3 sets of max reps; 5 minutes rest between the sets), you'll be able to perform your 1st straight leg raise with a touch of the bar in 2 months or less.
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