Calisthenics workouts & training motivation. All seasons, anytime & anywhere. Various full body workouts. Different locations, different weather conditions, and at different times during the day. Push up exercises, leg/jump/sprint variations, ab&core exercises, pull up variations etc.
Always do the best you can & never give up!

No effects and No music in this video, just the Training.

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Kris Karlsson
Calisthenics & Weight Training
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20.11.2014 13:11
Да, это реально круто, когда не зависишь ни от времени года, ни от места.
20.11.2014 13:46
dshevchenko Было бы желание ))
20.11.2014 16:16
И техника исполнения хорошая.
20.11.2014 17:39