1). The Web-Site - http://www.ProphecyWorkout.Com

2). FaceBook - http://www.facebook.com/pages/Prophecy-Workout/225082740839033?sk=wall

3). Twitter - http://twitter.com/#!/@TheWizardOfBars

This is Prophecy a.k.a. "The Wizard Of Bars". At 6'x5", 255lbs. he has become a Street Workout legend in New York City. In this episode of Superman Street Workout, Prophecy gets downright "grizzly", giving you the meanest set of Push-Up combinations and brand new moves! Some of the moves are being done for the very first time ever, so remember where you saw it tirst! Enjoy!!
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10.12.2016 15:47
Скоро и вовсе перестанет отжимашки или поменяет локти на протезы🤓 🤓