07.03.2017 11:51
Отжимания и Ситапы, Карл!!!
This study documented the incidence of acute inju-
ries related to the Army Physical Fitness Test (APFT). Meth-
ods: A questionnaire was administered to 1,532 soldiers after
they completed a biannual APFT. Self-reported injury re-
sponses determined the rates of injuries resulting from the
push-up, sit-up, and 2-mile run events and were classified into
three categories, i.e., all injuries, performance-limiting inju-
ries, and time-loss injuries. Results: A total of 117 soldiers
(injury rate, 7.6%) reported sustaining an injury (all injuries),
with 11% attributed to the push-up event, 56% to the sit-up
event, and 32% to the run event. Forty-six of these injuries
reportedly limited performance (injury rate, 3.0%), and 11 sol-
diers received a duty-limiting profile (time-loss injury rate,
0.7%), which did not differ among events.