Отправлено: 21.08.2015 08:01
Любое упражнение, где оценивается не результат, а техника исполнения, это уже не спорт и не физкультура, это цирк.

Спорт и физкультура это быстрее, выше, сильнее, дальше, больше. Все что можно измерить и расставить по ранжиру.

Как только добавляется оценочный человеческий фактор - к чёрту, на помойку такой спорт, это уже субъективные оценки и спорить о чистоте исполнения можно до бесконечности, поубивав друг друга.

Так я пришел к пониманию, что гимнастика, фигурное катание и даже прыжки на лыжах с трамплина - НЕспорт. Трюкачество, цирковое представление, театр, да всё что угодно, но к спорту и физкультуре отношения не имеет.Поэтому кроссфиттеры в итоге правее воркаутеров и полиатлонистов - не важно какая у тебя техника, главное, сколько раз ты можешь поднять подбородок выше перекладины. Потому что это единственный параметр где нет человеческого субъективизма.

В полиатлоне в подтягиваниях такая же чертовщина, а вот в женских отжиманиях надо коснуться специальной дощечки - поэтому подтягивания там субъективные, а отжимания нет

WasD отстаивает позицию, что воркаут не спорт. Хорошо, принимаем. Тогда с философской точки зрения о чистоте исполнения помноженного на количество повтором действительно можно спорить до бесконечности, при этом все стороны будут бесконечно НЕПРАВЫ.

Это ж не соревнование, поэтому исполнение упражнений на количество бессмысленно, только НРАВИТСЯ или НЕ НРАВИТСЯ как делают 😉 Воркаутер как циркач или актёр, должен поражать зрителей элементами, а многоповторные упражнения это внутренняя кухня, подготовка к выходу на арену.


PS между прочим, в последний визит в цирк с детьми, а это было где-то года полтора назад, мне очень запомнился номер силовых гимнастов. Один поддерживающий, а второй крутит элементы с поддержкой нижнего. Тоже вполне себе воркаут. Замени нижнего на турник и можно в цирк.
Отправлено: 20.08.2015 15:57
Day 81: Workload and exertion assessment. Part II

What we want is that after completing the 100 Days programme you learned enough basics to continue on your own. Ideally we want you to be able to create your own training programmes for your personal goals. Because of that today we go on with workload parameters.

Heroes of the day: intensity and volume.

Intensity is a complex factor which shows how hard is to do a particular exercise and it depends on such factors as strength, needed to counteract target muscles, exercise tempo, body position during exercise and so on.

To calculate intensity you need to know your maximums in exercises. If you train with your body weight then you need to know the maximum number of repetitions you can do with perfect technique. If you train with weights you need to know the weight with which you can do only one rep with perfect technique.

Factors to increase training intensity:
increasing exercise complexity;
adding weights;
cutting back on rest periods between sets;
modifying technique.

Training volume is the amount of repetions in one set and for the whole session. If you do 100 pull-ups one day and on the other day you do 150 pull-ups then the second day volume was higher.

Training volume and intensity depend on each other and are inversely related that is when one parameter increases then another one decreases in proportion. This is obvious. You cannot do the same number of sets and reps with 90-100% intensity as with 50% intensity.

Which one is more important? Which is more preferrable? These are wrong questions! These parameters help you to compare your sessions to each other and measure your progress. Their importance depends only on your goals.

Our 100 Days programme is designed for newbies. This is why we base our training on moderate intensity and high training volume. Our goal is to develop proper skills and prepare cardiovascular and other systems for further training. We also have to take into account our daily routine. All these factors predefine our approach to intensity and volume.

On the other hand, if you want to raise your maximum in pull-ups and train pull-up only once a week then you have to raise the intensity of your training much higher. You have a different goal hence you need a different tool for it.
Отправлено: 20.08.2015 15:18
Day 80: Workload and exertion assessment. Part I

Today we start a miniseries of posts on assessing workload and exertion. First we will talk about inner workload parameters (perceived exertion and heart rate), then we will talk about outer factors (training intensity and training volume). We think that it is important to understand before you are able to create your own training programmes.

Generally speaking, workload level is a complex value that combines such factors as sets, repetitions, number of exercises for a muscle group, exercise tempo, rest between sets.

Borg scale

Borg perceived exertion scale of one the tools to assess workload and exertion. It is based on subjective perception of workload.

The original scale ranges from 6 (no exertion at all) to 20 (maximum exertion). The seemingly odd range of 6-20 is to follow the general heart rate of a healthy adult by multiplying by 10. For instance, a perceived exertion of 12 would be expected to coincide with a heart rate of roughly 120 beats per minute:

[pic here]

6 No exertion at all
7 Extremely light (7.5)
9 Very light
11 Light
13 Somewhat hard
15 Hard
17 Very hard
19 Extremely hard
20 Maximal exertion

While assessing your condition you have to pay attention to all factors affecting exertion, neither leaving them out nor overemphasising them (for example heavy breathing or muscle aches).

If we apply the Borg scale to our programme, we suggest that the workload should be at the range between 13 and 15 (or 3 and 4 for the modified scale), you should feel it but not too much. If it easier than that then progress will slow down, if it heavier than you will not be able to recover in 24 hours.

Calculating optimal heart rate

There are more scientific, physiological ways to define workload. Directly it is done by measuring oxygen consumption during exercise, either in absolute values in litres per minute (l/min) or in relative values, either in percents of maximal consumption or in millilitres per kilogramme per minute (ml*kg/min).

One the most convenient ways is measuring heart rate (HR). It is usually assumed that the higher the heart rate the higher the workload.

There are many formulas on the Internet how to calculate optimal heart rates but we have not had time to study them all in detail so the following piece of information is provided as is. (mtbrDot: There are no universal formulas for calculating your Maximum heart Rate (MHR), they are all wrong. This value is too variable for humans so it is possible to find out only an approximate number and only through a stress test.)

For men (by Tanaka):

Maximum exercise HR (MEHR): 208 - 0.7 * Age
Strength training HR: 80% of MEHR
Endurance/interval training HR: 75% of MEHR
Weight loss HR: 65% of MEHR
Warmup HR: 55% of MEHR

(для интервальных тренировок 75%? это больничные значения, во время интервалов пульс наоборот разгоняется до больших величин, как раз под 100% MEHR).

"Age-predicted maximal heart rate revisited"
Hirofumi Tanaka, PhD, Kevin D. Monahan, MS and Douglas R. Seals, PhD)

For women (bt Martha Gulati):

Maximum exercise HR (MEHR): 206 - 0.88 * Age
Strength training HR: 80% of MEHR
Endurance/interval training HR: 75% of MEHR
Weight loss HR: 65% of MEHR
Warmup HR: 55% of MEHR

"Heart Rate Response to Exercise Stress Testing in Asymptomatic Women. The St. James Women Take Heart Project"
Martha Gulati MD, MS, Leslee J. Shaw PhD, Ronald A. Thisted PhD, Henry R. Black MD, C. Noel Bairey Merz MD, and Morton F. Arnsdorf MD
Отправлено: 20.08.2015 10:58
Одни молятся на него. Другие считают его мерзавцем и бизнесменом, который строит из себя "советского ученого".

Вот тут комментили Селуянова: http://ru-healthlife.livejournal.com/3863910.html

Тут фанаты: http://vk.com/seluyanov_vn

Всем митохондрий!</quote>

Надо относиться со здоровой долей скептицизма. У меня неплохой знакомый (у нас с ним даже была статья в журнале "лыжный спорт", где мы интервьюировали Селуянова - моя единственная публикация 😉 ) сильно запал на физиологию и уже в возрасте за 40 пошел работал к нему лаборантом. Он делился той информацией, которая не попадает в массы. Было очень любопытно и интересно.

Публичная сторона Селуянова гораздо противоречивее - в силу того, что надо учитывать для какого круга и по какой теме эта информация возникает. Потом этот "Изотон" проклятый возникает...

В принципе, его давние предположения на тему тренировки аэробных способностей сверхкороткими интервалами нашли свое подтверждение за последние 10 лет. На эту тему есть много работ, у меня даже где-то выписаны результаты.
Отправлено: 20.08.2015 09:32
В тему работа-не работа, актуальное:</quote>

Почему эта х..я эктуальна???</quote>

не знаю как в Украине, но в РФ актуально.
Отправлено: 19.08.2015 19:56
В тему работа-не работа, актуальное:

Отправлено: 18.08.2015 20:03
Очень важно:
проверить и правильно прописать названия упражнений!
Учесть или выкинуть моё замечание про принцип diminishing returns (устойчивое выражение)

Перечитал и исправил ляпы, описки, опечатки и bad grammar где вижу.

Day 79: Heavy duty training

Unlike lots of people who think that bodyweight training is only push-ups and pull-ups you already know that there is a wide variety of exercises and it is possible to control training impact with technique.

Naturally, we cannot present only a fraction of information that you may need but we are trying to provide you with basic knowledge to move further. To success you need to do only 4 things:


If one of the points is missing then your chances to succeed decrease.

Firstly, you progress while you rest, not while you train. You muscles recover after workload and stress, getting stronger and more enduring (или tougher. more enduring не звенит).

Secondly, if you do not eat well it really does not matter how you train. You are bound to fail. Imagine that your body is a car and you need to drive it from A to B. If you fuel your car with quality petrol the task is quite simple. If you try to fuel it with anything it is not designed for your car will fail halfway to the destination B.

Thirdly, you must train. Training makes you progress. It should provide enough stress to be a challenge for you. Remember, our bodies have evolved because of adaptations and they are good at adapting to stress. Take care of your training and the body will do the rest.

Fourthly, you really should think. You know already, that there are no magic pills and programmes and wonderful machines that do all the work for you. Everything you get results from smart hard work. You should train and analyse your results, especially when you hit your walls and reach your plateaus.

Your results and your looks are the result of what you have been doing. If you want to look after your idol you must not repeat everything he or she does but have to try to understand what and why they do this or that. Only after applying thought you can use it yourself.

There is an example of a programme that was used by one of the top athletes of our site (now former, since he got into bodybuilding), Ilya Gorodnichev:

First set:

Push-ups (narrow stance, medium stance, wide stance)
Elevated legs push-ups (narrow stance, medium stance, wide stance)
Elevated hands push-ups (narrow stance, medium stance, wide stance)

Second set:

French push-ups (narrow stance, medium stance, wide stance)
push-ups with wrists inward (narrow stance, medium stance, wide stance)
push-ups with wrists backward (narrow stance, medium stance, wide stance)

Third set:

Straight hand sideways slides
Elbow sideways slides
Elbow fore slides
Straight hands fore/aft slides

Forth set:

Plyometric push-ups
Plyometric triangle push-ups (narrow, wide stances, hands above head stance)
360 deg. push-ups
wall push-ups
Plyometric hands-elbows push-ups
Plyometric “clock” push-ups

Fifth set:

overhand grip pull-ups (narrow, medium, wide grips)
underhand grip pull-ups (narrow, medium, wide grips)
underhand grip pull-ups (narrow, medium, wide grips) - НЕ ПОНЯЛ? супинированный это и есть вроде обратный?
neutral grip pull-ups (narrow, medium, wide grips)
mixed grip pull-ups
overhand crossed grip pull-ups
parallel bar pull-ups

Sixth set:

Dips with elbows back
Dips with elbows sideways
Plyometric dips (with a clap, with a 180/30 deg turn)

Training sessions can be built in two ways:

Endurance training: many sets with 15-20 push-ups and 10-15 pull-ups with rest between sets 1.5 minutes or less
Muscle mass training: slow negatives and 8-12 reps per set with rest between sets 1.5 minutes or less

Typically Ilya splits his sets in two days. For example, he does sets 1-3 on the first day and sets 4-6 on the second day. Or he does pulling sets on the first day and pushing sets on the second.

To make it clear again: you have to approach this kind of training gradually. If you try to do this right away it will practically kill you and you might not even comlpete a half of it. That is also why you do not have to use any ready-made programmes from glossy magazines and the Internet. At the same time, average workouter routines lack such volume and variety of exercises and this is why they cannot achieve what they want.

Do you remember the post about the optimal outcome (эээ…. это называется diminishing returns)?

Мой вариант:
Have you ever heard about the principle of diminishing returns?

It takes very little effort to gain the first tangible results (that is how “stand up and just do it” slogan works). The more you achieve on your way to your goal the harder it is to make another step. You can learn to do a pull-up in two or three weeks. Muscle-ups take much longer, from months to a year (depending on your level).

The point is that guys we watch on the videos and who do mind-boggling stints train to exhaustion like everyone else and they struggle with their sets and reps as well. The only thing that differs is that their sessions just seem impossible for an average human.

известная поговорка у велосипедистов: (It never gets easier, you just get faster)

When, at some point in time, 6 sets of 10 reps become too easy for you at this moment your progress stops. You have to challenge your body incessantly but do it gradually and precisely measured at the same time. This should never feel easy, not today, not tomorrow, not in a year. On the other hand, it is easier to keep the results you have achieved, it takes much less effort than to gain any new ground.

Do not forget that you constantly keep changing. What did not work in the beginning of the programme it might work now and it might become requisite in 3-6 months. Just remember, the further you are from the start, the more specific you should be. Yyour personal muscle group development, strength of joints and ligaments, chronic aches and injuries, your weak spots define your own specificity. That means you will have to personify your training and standard advice will not fit you anymore
Отправлено: 18.08.2015 09:34
We keep moving forward and digging deeper into the area of the ADVANCED block topics. We do hope that our posts are not too complex. If you cannot understand something try reading it again and then ask a question. Today’s topic is one the most exciting for our participants.

It is worth mentioning that it is not yet discovered exactly how muscles grow, there is no an established opinion among scientists if it is because of new fibres or just thickening of the existing ones or splitting and thickening and how much of it is hard-wired by genes.

Nonetheless, there are four factors which are prerequisite for muscle growth. We use the word ‘factors’ since exact relationship between factors and growth is not yet established in its fullness. That is they work, it is been tested and proved, but why exactly they work it still remains unclear.

1 Cellular amino acids stores

Every protein structure, which includes muscle tissue, uses amino acids as building blocks. The amount of amino acids in the cell is accumulated gradually. The whole pool of free amino acids in the body is called the amino acid pool. Hence there is no need to increase the (можно и без) level of amino acids in the blood stream during exercise. Since most intensive protein synthesis happens in the first 24 hours after the exercise, you need to provide fuel for this. Protein synthesis returns to base level in 36-72 hours after exercise, according to various research.

2 This factor is most important since it triggers the process of protein synthesis in miofibrils. Anabolic hormone level is, in its turn, triggered through physiological stress from exercise to failure (?). During the exercise hormones enter the cell, gradually accumulating there. The more sets are done the higher the level of hormones in the cell.
Hormones set off the process of transcribing DNA information into messanger-RNA (mRNA). Then mRNA with the help of transport RNA (tRNA) and ribosomal RNA (rRNA) is translated into a complete protein. Anabolic hormones do not leave the cell and are metabolised within the cell within days.

3 Increase in free creatine level within muscle fibres

Accumulation of free creatine (Cr) in sarcoplasm of the cell (non contracting part of the fibre) is the criterium of intensified metabolism in the cell. Creatine phosphate (CP) transfers energy from mitochondria to myofibrils in Type I (oxidative, red, slow) fibres and from sarcoplasmic Adenosine TriPhosphate (ATP) to myofibrillic ATP in Type II (glycolitic, white, fast) fibres. It also supplies energy to the nucleus of the cell. If a fibre is activated then the cell spends ATP as well as the nucleus and the cell needs CP to recombine Adenosine DiPhsphate (ADP) back into ATP. Besides, ATP is the only energy source in the cell. The nucleus needs energy in the form of ATP to create mRNA and ribosomes. Spent CP is released back into sarcoplasm in the form of free creatine (Cr) and phosphate. However, the most important role of Cr if to provide energy for RNA synthesis triggered by hormones. The more free Cr is around the more intensive the process is. While the cell is not active it contains almost 100% of Cr in the form of CP and metabolism and synthesis are slow. All organelles (subunits of the cell) are being incessantly renewed but physical stress activates the fibre forces more creatine to be released into sarcoplasm in the form of free Cr (плохой источник на русском, неясна связь между двумя событиями: Хотя все органеллы организма регулярно обновляются (то есть этот процесс идет всегда), но в результате тренировки, приводящей к активности мышечного волокна, в саркоплазматическом пространстве происходит накопление свободного креатина.). It triggers metabolic process and synthesis. CP releases its energy within the nucleus and then in the form of free Cr moves to mitochondria where it is recombined back into CP. (обрезал последнее предложение - какое-то оно прямо скажем мутноватое)

4 Increase in level of hydrogen ions within myofibrils

Energy expenditure during intensive exercise causes increase in concentration of hydrogen ions (H+) in the cell. Moderate concentration of H+ ions makes cell membranes more transparent to hormones and activates cell enzymes, thus creating grounds for protein synthesis. This process does not happen in Type I (slow, red, oxydative) fibres since the high number of mitochondria continue to consume oxygen and the cell works aerobically, effectively preventing increase in concentration of free H+ ions, thus eliminating the fourth factor of muscle growth from establishing itself within the cell (слишком много -ing, некрасиво но пока без идей).

часть Селуянова не стал переводить про импульсы и т.п. Не во всём Селуянове я уверен 😉

New myofibrils are grown within 7-15 days but the most active synthesis happends during the training session and in the first hours right after it. H+ do most of the work while training and then for an hour after. Hormones help to create new RNAs and proteins for 2-3 days more but this process is much less intensive than during training, when this process is also helped by higher concentration of free creatine (Cr).
Отправлено: 18.08.2015 09:21
изменения выделены жирным

One of the most important qualities we want to develop in our participants during the programme is the ability to listen and understand their bodies. You have successfully completed the first half of the programme, but there is a lot more for you to come. The more intense the exercise is the more you need to pay attention to what your body tells you. Believe us, you do need to pay attention because it both makes your training more effective and safer and helps you to avoid unnecessary injuries and breaks in training.

I bet that you have already experienced the feeling, when training does not feel right and you'd rather stop than go on or, otherwise, you felt elated and wanted to move mountains. Such things happen and they are so personal and irregular that you cannot count on them in your training programme with given numers of reps and sets.

Suggest you started your training session and feel that something is going wrong. Probably it is a knee ache or your breath is harder than usually or anything like that. You can ignore the signs and keep doing your sets and reps but ignoring the signs might lead you to injuries like a sprain or dislocation or anything similar. Your body alarms you, telling you that it does not want to train today as much as you want to. You have to listen and change your plans accordingly. If you insist, then it has to yield and dig deep and god knows where it might lead you.

However you also have to learn to distinguish these ocassions from cases of being plain lazy. That is what it means to listen to your body. Here are some of the signals you have to pay attention to:

Pain, during or after exercising

We have already mentioned that you must not workout through pain or if pain accurs right after you finish the training. One of the main features of WorkOut is natural movements which we have been doing everyday through out our lives from the moment we were born, that is why you should not have pain with proper technique. If there is pain then something has gone wrong.

There are multiple reasons of pain accurance, but we will not be discussing them right now. We can only tell you, once again, that you must not try cheating pain with pills or anything like that but you must find the source of the pain and fix it.

Unpleasant feelings in joints and muscles (pulls, clicks and so on)

If you have not warmed up well enough before the main session your joints can click or crackle during your training, but it should go away after the first several reps. Also these feelings should not be discomforting or unpleasant. Otherwise you might probably have a more serious issue than you think, and every next rep only exacerbating it.

The solution is simple. If you feel that something has gone wrong or you just do not like the way you feel then you had better stop. If a click is caused by inflammation then rest is the best option for you right now and if you do not want to then stop and get back in a couple of days. If you keep training through pain then you are only making your condition worse lengthening the time needed to recover. If you really ignore the issue and keep working out you might get into much bigger trouble instead of small one.

When you are planning to do WorkOut all your life (to keep yourself fit and healthy and strong and so on), a couple of days of rest will not hurt you, so stay flexible. Bruce Lee's famous saying goes like this: “Empty your mind, be formless, shapeless - like water.”

General tiredness (tiredness, irritability, insomnia or sleepiness)

We do not always feel ourselves 100% ready to challenges. There are times when you have a training session scheduled, but you feel tired and/or sleepy from accumulated fatigue and so on. Is it worth training in a condition like this?

There is no clear answer to that. You may skip the session as well as make it just easier. When you are tired you cannot concentrate well on technique and loss of concentration increases risk of injury.

Natural causes such as low or high atmospheric pressure and its rapid changes, magnetic storms can cause a feeling of fatigue too. Do you have to try to squeeze 100% out of your body? We would rather say no than yes since your body is already under stress and putting more pressure on it will not help.

Our programme was developed the way to make you able to exercise every day using adaptive number of reps in each set of the circuit but to make this scheme work you need to determine these numbers on your own. If you come up with lower numbers then the programme will not be as effective as planned, and if you go for higher numbers, then you will not be able to recover in time for the next session. You have to find out the right numbers for you by trials and error.

The same principle applies to technique. We present the most common version based on human biomechanics. Theoretically it should fit most of you, but we are all different and the common version might not work. Here you have to define what exactly the basic movement is and make changes to it according to your abilities and limitations.
Отправлено: 17.08.2015 20:40
тут будет версия, вычитанная экспатом.
Отправлено: 17.08.2015 20:40
тут будет версия, вычитанная экспатом.
Отправлено: 17.08.2015 20:05
Странный спор. Сколько знающих китайский за пределами китая? Сколько знает английский, испанский, французский за пределами их распространения?

Хотя для получения специфической работы тут учить какой-нибудь странный язык, китайский, вьетнамский, то да, это действительно профит. Тем не менее английский все равно нужен для других целей.
Отправлено: 17.08.2015 18:57
латинской америке и африке чихать на английский ващ</quote>

Нууу нельзя так мимо. В отличие от Южной Америки, где английскими были только острова карибского бассейна, Ямайка, Белиз и Гайана (единственная англоговорящая страна Ю Америки), то треть Африки была британскими колониями и везде где была Британия английский остался в качестве государственного языка, либо второго языка.
Отправлено: 17.08.2015 15:56
27 лет, а школу до сих пор не закончил 😉
Отправлено: 17.08.2015 15:39
Китайцы учат английский, а не англичане китайский.

Английский является государственным или языком межнацобщения в 3/4 государств мира, китайский в трех (Китай, Тайвань, Сингапур).