Отправлено: 14.04.2015 10:28
<url="http://apps.who.int/iris/bitstream/10665/155735/3/WHO_NMH_NHD_15.2_rus.pdf?ua=1&ua=1">Свежая рекомендация от ВОЗ</url> по потреблению свободных сахаров.
Отправлено: 14.04.2015 09:35
подскажите, пожалуйста, у меня достаточно продолжительное время болит плечевой сустав на левой руке, при подтягиваниях и отжиманиях дискомфорта и боли нет, но если, например, поднимать руку вверх и тянуть вверх, и лежать, например, на боку на вытянутой руке, то больно, как будто что-то в плече не на своём месте.. никаких травм не получала, болевые ощущения уже больше трёх недель. Не постоянно, а только при определённых движениях..
Такая же ситуация с правой ногой - с обратной стороны колена периодические болевые ощущения, что именно болит - связки, сухожилия или что-то другое - определить не могу.
никаких травм-ушибов-ещё чего-то не было ни на плече, ни на ноге..
думала пройдёт, но не проходит((
надо ко врачу? кто из специалистов с этим разобраться может?</quote>
В любом случае к врачу, но буду дома - отправлю вам в личку некоторые тесты, которые можно выполнить, чтобы хотя бы для себя прмиерно представлять, что, куда и чего болит, и на что обращать внимание врача.
Отправлено: 14.04.2015 09:32
.S. я конечно извиняюсь что у меня в качестве примера Иван Поддубный и Александр Засс, а не Сильвестр Сталоне с его любовью к АБ и ГР 😁 но как говориться из пестни слов не выкинешь: ИП и АЗ сохраняли свои весьма высокие физические кондиции по нынешним меркам до самой пенсии 😉 чем не достойный образец для подражания?</quote>

Я о том и говорю, что:
1) С возрастом идет потеря мышечной массы - саркопения. Процесс это естественный и необратимый
2) Можно существенно нарастить мышечную массу силовыми тренировками и максимально снизить скорость потери.
3) У одного и того же индивидуума, мышечная масса и силовые возможности с возрастом будут снижаться, хотя могут существенно превышать среднестатичестические. Т.е. потенциал, "потолок", генетические рамки, которых можно достичь в 30 лет - выше чем в 50. Но это не исключает, что в 50 можно быть сильнее чем в 30, если в 30 не поднимал ничего тяжелее бутылки пива, а в 50 - тренируешься с отягощениями.

Поэтому при чем здесь Поддубный, Сталлоне или кто-нибудь еще.
Изначально, речь шла о темпе выполнения при прочих равных условиях, я сказал что он также с возрастом будет снижаться, это естественный процесс.
Отправлено: 14.04.2015 09:17
Плечевой сустав очень сильно уходит от нейтрального положения. Возможно и есть чуть большая нагрузка на грудные мышцы за счет их большего растяжения, т.е. увеличенной амплитуды. Но мое личное мнение: соотношение риск-выгода - неоптимальное. Хотя каждому свое.
Отправлено: 13.04.2015 19:22
Еще раз - при чем здесь Поддубный? Вы же не хотите донести мысль, что лучшие свои достижения он сделал после 50 лет?
Отправлено: 13.04.2015 19:02
А я о чем написал? И при чем здесь Поддубный?
Отправлено: 13.04.2015 19:01
не стал бы такое делать
Отправлено: 13.04.2015 16:23
Вот схематично правильный выпад

Вот неправильный выпад

Вот здесь видео с техникой приседаний ножницы (выпады на месте)

Отправлено: 13.04.2015 16:15
стоит ли наростить количество в нескольких подходах или все сугубо интимно?</quote>
да, по самочувствию, но я бы количество не форсировал уже, а подумал над темпом выполнения. В продвинутом блоке будут интересные техники выполнения упражнений, там уже не нужно будет париться по поводу количества повторений.
Отправлено: 13.04.2015 16:13
С годами для себя я понял, что темп в силовых упражнениях не должен быть высоким</quote>
С годами уменьшается количество мышечной ткани, в том числе и быстрых мышечных волокон, потому и скорость, доступная в молодости теряется. Возможно еще есть изменения на уровне нервной системы, кто знает - отпишитесь по теме. Для того и занимаемся, чтобы препятствовать этим процессам.
Отправлено: 13.04.2015 16:07

It doesn`t matter where you start, the main thing is that you get started on your way! So just keep going!

One indicator of your fitness level is the amount of your body fat. The less fat there is, the best shape you have. Until one day... Many of you will be surprised to know that all those lean fitness models with six-pack abs, which you see on magazines` covers and in articles about different exercises really only have a good look, but in their hearts they feel awful. Why? Because they have to go through such a thing as a "drying". Have you heard about it? My friend Amir Davletov (who is a competing bodybuilder) gave the following description of this phenomenon:

So, “cutting” is a professional term of athletes who have a level not lower than an amateur. Most often used by bodybuilders, less by weightlifters, powerlifters, fighters, boxers before a competition. In its essence, it`s is the maximum distillation of water and fat from the body. In bodybuilding drying is needed to maximize body relief. And fighters, weightlifter and powerlifters use “drying” to get a lighter weight class and have superiority in the fight against rivals. Drying is a very serious event, accompanied by exhausting workouts, strict diet and plenty of sports supplements, vitamin complexes and dietary supplements, and sometimes anabolic steroids. This is major league sport.</quote>

In other words, this form is not suitable for life. A dehydrated body, exhausted from lack of carbohydrates, can`t function the way we are used to it. It`s necessary to understand it. The competition shape is called “competitive” because it`s intended for competition. "Drooping eyes, stooped posture, slow gait means that drying goes as it should" – by these words my coach described my first competitive drying. And it's true, the feeling before loading phase is very unpleasant. But the sport demands it. Sports is primarily for the sake of maximum performance, in order to protect the honor of the club, the city, the country, for the sake of the ego, for the money, the girls' hysterics, for the sake of pages of the topic. But for the sake of health it’s exercise and fitness. For health of you don`t need drying, you just need to get rid of excess weight. But it`s not always correct to call it like “losing weight”.

Now, looking at all these beautiful pictures from magazines or from the competition you have to understand that in fact people don`t look like this in real life, it is their peak (or close to the peak) form, which they can maintain for quite a short time. And it's hard.

I started Street Workout, when I understood that with the usual (but correct!) nutrition and strength exercises with my own weight I could obtain results that wouldn’t be worse than have fitness models on the covers of magazines had! I saw these results not on staged photos, not in competitions, but on video from the usual street workouts! It may be hard to believe but it's true! And I personally know a lot of guys who did it!

Want even more interesting reason to lose weight, besides the fact that you will look better and feel better? The more your body ratio between muscle and fat in favor of muscle, the easier it will be to maintain your form! It's very simple. When you exercise you have to strain your muscles and thereby burn calories. The more muscle you have, the more calories you burn during the workout! Because the muscles are working! They reduce, unbend and move your body! And what does the fat do? Fat doesn`t do anything!

Imagine a 70 kilograms person, who has 30% of fat and 70 kilograms person who has only 10% of fat. Now give them a simple task to run 400 meters. Our first imaginary person will move only 49 kilos of body (and burn the appropriate amount of calories), while the rest of 21 kilos will just hang like weighting (good alternative to a vest-weighting ?))), Our second imaginary person will move 63 kilo body, while only 7kilo will be idle. This is a very simple logic, the better your form it is the easier to keep it!

Remember! The most difficult part for you is get yourself in a good shape, then everything will be much easier;)

Well, so you would not have to spend a lot of money to conduct costly (and not always accurate) procedures to determine the level of fat, I propose to use the following photo-tables from the site builtlean.com be used. They may be not perfectly accurate, but a rough estimate of the current state of affairs fit perfectly!

For men:

For women:

And here are a couple of interesting photos for you:

What level are you now?)

<url="http://workout.su/100">100 Days WorkOut - Contents</url>
Отправлено: 12.04.2015 04:11
Воистину воскрес!
Отправлено: 12.04.2015 04:10
Я говорю за животных. У них однозначая обратная корреляция между смертностью и показателем, очень схожим с ИМТ. Выше ИМТ - ниже смертность. Но это - до полового созревания, дальше естественно - на переработку.
Отправлено: 12.04.2015 03:57

In the 20th century there was a scientist named William Sheldon. He spend most of his time studying human body and trying to find any particular patterns. After years of research, he found that human bodies could be categorized into three main body types (respectively, all the others will represent a combination of them). They are called Ectomorph, Mesomorph and Endomorph. Now a little bit more about each of them.

Ectomorph is usually tall, thin, has minimum of muscles, flat chest, and so on.

Mesomorph is much more athletic type, has broad shoulders and chest, muscular arms and legs, low body fat.

Endomorph is characterized by a spherical shape, usually round head, big belly, wide chest and torso, short stature, with a lot of fat on the shoulders and hips, but with thin wrists and ankles.

And now it`s time to note the following things:
a) Body type can be changed during the lifetime (which is good)
b) Your training and nutrition should be determined by your body type (and this is, in some kind, also good)

What does this mean?

If you are Mesomorph type, then your life woulkd be beautiful and amazing, because you will easily grow in strength, mass, and aesthenics, even if sometimes you will forget to train. If you are an Ectomorph type, you can`t miss any workout. And if you are an Endomorph type, you will need to add some additional high-intensity workouts (sprinting, for example) to increase the expenditure of calories. In addition, in the case of Endomorphs and Ectomorphs, they will need to be much more attentive to their diet! Of course, I am exaggerating, but the reality is close to this.

The effective duration of training for ectomorphs and endomorphs will be also different. If you are ectomorph, you shouldn`t train more than 45-60 minutes, if you are endomorph, you can workout for 1.5-2 hours. Since it`s quite a general recommendation, I should say on what it is based. It`s built on the following postulate: the longer you exercise, the more energy you spend, and when it's good for endomorphs, then ectomorphs will burn muscles over and over again. This is also necessary to remember.

But the main difference between the different body types is rather what is happening outside the training session, than what needs to be done on it. There is no universal formula that would say you that you need to train for half an hour, to do such and such kind of exercises, then eat so much food and you get a result (I hope it wasn`t new for you on the 38th day? ). This all is not only individually, but also changes over time.

If you are an ectomorph, if you find it hard to gain muscle mass, because you have a high metabolic rate, try to exercise less time, but more intense and harder, and make sure that every day you have enough calories to achieve the desired goal. Number of training days per week should be selected individually, try to exercise every other day, or 5 days per week or 3 in 1, in general, try and see which option works best for you, then follow it.

If you are an endomorph and your goal is to get rid of excess fat, your main task is to spend more time in motion. Your metabolic rate by nature is not very high, so to force your body to burn excess reserves, you need to give it an appropriate stimulus. Just make sure that your daily diet is made correctly and balanced in protein / fats / carbohydrates and calories, appropriate to your purpose. In general, the more you train, the better you will be. The main thing is not to overtrain.

Well, I think it`s enough. I already talked about this, but I repeat. Fitness is not magic, it's science, and here, as in mathematics, you get the result as a function of those variables that are substituted into the equation. And a more beautiful thing is that it`s you who put in variables! Therefore, if the result is not satisfactory, then you need to change something!

<url="http://workout.su/100DW">100 Days WorkOut - Contents</url>
Отправлено: 11.04.2015 20:02
Естественно речь об отжиманиях с акцентом на трицепс.</quote>
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