Отправлено: 08.04.2015 15:39
И что из этого следует?
Отправлено: 08.04.2015 13:42
Мужчины - 10-15%, женщины - 20-25%.
Отправлено: 08.04.2015 10:25
Потому в этом запуске эта тема и получила слово "миф" в заголовке.
Отправлено: 08.04.2015 07:31
А нафлудили то, нафлудили.

я согласен быть любым, а вы?

По-моему кроме как в спорте высших достижений - эта информация бесполезна
Отправлено: 08.04.2015 07:29
Здравствуйте, хотел спросить, получается программа тренировок координально не изменится, только будем добавлять круги? То есть не будет брусьев, разнохватов всяких?</quote>
В продвинутом блоке будет столько техник, что и не сможете все выполнить, гарантирую.
Отправлено: 08.04.2015 07:20

Well, another week of our educational program "100 Days WorkOut» came to an end, and, as usual, the last day of the training week you should spend resting and/or stretching.
!!! This day COUNTS, regardless of whether you've been exercising, resting or stretching !!!

Okay, now let's get to the main topic of today's info post and today it will be one very important thing, one of those that prevents you from achieving your goals. I'm talking about motivation. Or better to say Motivation (capital M). You can watch as many training videos on the internet as you want, you can read all the latest training and nutrition articles in the magazines, you can spend all your money on high end equipment and gym memberships, but nothing will happen unless you tave the internal motivation to change yourself and your life!

The changes begin at that very moment when you actually start doing something using your knowledge, not just saying to yourself, "Well, I now know everything I need and will start training on Monday." How many Mondays have already passed by in your life? How many times have you promised yourself to do something, but didn`t do it, and have found quite weighty reasons and excuses? I know, because I also have been in such situations and not once, because it is much easier to say to yourself, "next time" than actually go out and do it right now!

Imagine, you come home from work at 10 PM, absolutely devastated (by work). You make yourself a meal, do some thing around the house and, BAM, it`s already 12 PM. You realize that all you want to do now is just to go to bed and get some rest. But if you do so, then you won`t have 6pack ABS or whatever your ideal physique is. Because, in the history of mankind, nobody yet has gotten ideal physique from lying in bed! It took me several months to realize it, to begin pushing myself, no matter in what condition I was, still get up and train. Yes, it was really hard in the beginning, but the more days passed, the more I came to like training. I didn`t pay attention to how tired I was, because, from the very first reps, I was getting energy and drive and I wanted to bring the training session to the end! This way I trained my abs, it took me just 15 minutes so I don`t know whether such an approach will work for a full hour workout. But what I do know is that if you don`t exercise, you won`t have any results!

Changes don`t happen on Monday, they don't happen on the first day of the month or even at the new year! Changes happen when you make them happen! Just take a step up and begin to move toward your goals!

Okay, let's say you were able to defeat your laziness and came to the street playground. I am particularly pleased with a huge number of people who start training after the New Year or before the beach season. You come to your usual training area and see dozens of random people doing random things without knowing why they do this. Hey, they are just like you, they have counquered their laziness and motivated themselves to get up and start training.

But you know what? After a couple of weeks, you won`t see most of them! Why? Because their motivation was enough only for these couple of weeks! They thought, "Oh, it's a New Year resolution, so I must get in shape", but after training for a couple of weeks without seeing significant changes they begin to think, "Nah, it`s useless, there is no results, I give up". Don`t be like them! If you were living not very active and healthy lifestyle for the past 5 or 10 years then why do you expect that a couple of training weeks will be able to fix all these years? WorkOut and calisthenics are not a magic pill that will solve all your problems at once, but it is a way by which they can be solved! And for that you have to train! I already wrote about this in the info-post about tracking the progress:

Quote to remember:>
Usually you will see first results and changes after 12 weeks of regular training. After 24 weeks your family will notice that you've changed. After 36 weeks your friends will start giving you praise. After 48 weeks you will be a totally different person! A healthier, stronger and sexier one!</quote>

You shouldn’t expect quick results, but if you train hard, then eventually they will come. I am 100% sure that after passing our "100 Days WorkOut" program you will be significantly different from what you were in the beginning! But even our program is only the beginning of your future path of self-development. Life-long path! 😉

In general, I've touched a very wide topic which can be talked about for hours, so I am shifting the conversation into practice. Here are some tips to help you stay motivated:

Find a partner

It`s much better to train with someone than alone. I'm talking not only that your partner can help you not only learn the elements or perform forced repetitions. I'm talking that he or she will be your moral support!

Let's say you didn`t have your best day, and by the end of this not-so-good-day you have no desire to train at all, even, on the contrary, there is a desire to take a can of beer, sit on the couch and watch TV. But, if you have a partner for training, then he or she will probably call you at this very moment and ask, "Dude, you are coming or not?" And if at this moment you will say "I don`t know, I had a bad day, I have no desire to train etc." then you will simply cut your friend short! You will cut short someone who is counting on you, someone who supports you in training and motivates you to move forward. It's pretty easy to give up when no one counts on you, because we can always come up with all sorts of excuses for ourselves. But how should people call you if you cut short your friends???

Moreover, if you want to succeed in life, you need to learn to keep your promises. That`s not good, if you agreed with someone about something, and then, at the last minute, change your mind. With such an approach you won`t be successful in training or in business or in life. Think about it.

Limit yourself

Set yourself goals for the next 3 months (or 100 days, for example). Now, every time when you will want to skip your workout, it won`t be the abstract pass, you will just throw away 1% of your ability to achieve this goal.

Want some more motivation? Tell your friends and family about your goal, so they will know what you want to achieve in 3 months. I already wrote above about the fact that you need to learn to keep your promises; otherwise your words will have no weight. So now every time you think about skipping a workout, you should also think about your look in the eyes of the people, when you come and tell them that you couldn`t achieve your goal, because you were too lazy!

Track your progress

Keep a training diary, record your training there, write down your results, weights and volumes, take photos every week/months (I personally do pictures once a month). Because, otherwise you won’t have an objective picture of your progress.

Fitness is not always about progress, there are also breakdowns and plateaus, and days when you don`t see any sense in training. In those days it would be very useful to look inside your training diary! Look what you've been at the beginning of your way, and see how much you have already achieved! Also, quite often you would be able to find the answer to your training plateue in your diary (if you write everything in detail)!

One more reamerk, but very useful one. Surround yourself with people who lift you up! There is a saying that you are the medium of five people with whom you communicate the most in your life. So think about who these people are? What do they want to achieve in life? Are they a source of motivation for you, or do you only have to waste your time on them? Maybe they are just the so-called friends who don`t understand your desire to train and make yourself better, so every Friday they call you to a bar? Maybe they take negatively any of your initiative and don`t believe in you? Do you really need them in your life? Don`t be afraid to say "goodbye" to them because at that very moment when you decided to change, and they decided to stay the same, your ways are separated. Now you are going separate ways and don`t try to drag them on your way (especially if they resist), because you can find new friends, new people who will share your views and values, those who will support you and understand the importance and value of what you do. And I'm not talking only about training, but also about life in general, about work and relationships. It's your life and only you can decide what it will be!

Again, a lot of words, but the theme is interesting. Therefore, I hope you were interested in my thoughts on this subject too.

<url="http://workout.su/100DW">100 Days WorkOut - Contents</url>

P.S. The guy was able to change himself within 70 days. Everything is real, if you make some efforts

В теме: Day 35. Motivation
Отправлено: 07.04.2015 18:35
Говорите кость широкая?

Отправлено: 07.04.2015 12:19
Все радует. Одно огорчает. От каждодневных тренировок легкий жирок на животе не хочет уходить, а вот и так небольшая грудь скоро совсем растает))))</quote>
А вот это уже, увы, генетика 😃 тут решайте, что вам больше нравится
Отправлено: 07.04.2015 09:44
Вообще-то генетику никто не отменял. Автор, так "миф" или не "миф"? Если миф зачем ты советы даешь как тренироваться в соответствии со своим типом. Сам то разберись в том что написал.</quote>
Антон же написал, что пост перекочевал из предыдущей 100-дневки, но взгляды на вопрос поменялись, просто не было времени переписать. Читайте внимательней
Отправлено: 07.04.2015 07:17
Мне больше импонирует понятие set point, в последнее время частенько встречаю на ресурсах по питанию. Суть его в том, что у организма есть определенные точки нормы, на которые настроены его датчики. Т.е. организма знает что такое нормально в отношении температуры, собственного веса, вкуса продуктов, эмоционального состояния и всего-всего-всего. И что самое классное в этом суждении - что эти set point мы можем изменять в довольно широких границах.
Отправлено: 07.04.2015 07:12

Despite all the positive things that WorkOut brings into our lives, according to statistics most people still give it up. Out of 100% of the people enrolled in our program, only 20% will successfully pass the BASIC block, and only about a half of them will successfully pass the FULL program. And it has very little to do with the "100 Days WorkOut" program itself (because it is really good) and much more to do with people's nature. Today's info post will be dedicated to this topic, to the topic of people quitting training and the main reasons why that happening.

Why do people quit?:>

№1. Misunderstanding of the basic training principles
№2. Inconsistency between the desired and the actual
№3. Injuries and other health related problems
№4. Lack of time
№5. Psychological fatigue</quote>

Reason №1: Misunderstanding of the basic training principles

Many people begin to train, beause they saw a motivational video on the YouTube or read some article with beautiful photos in a magazine. They see what can be achieved through calisthenics and street workout, and immediately go to train with hope of getting results fast. But often they don`t get any result at all, because they haven’t spent the time to learn the key principles of training and nutrition, without which it is impossible to succeed. Street Workout is not a panacea, it is just one of the possible tools of building your body and strengthening your spirit, which is based on bodyweight exercises. But most of all, many do not even think about it, and so they become disappointed and soon stop their workouts.

Solution: If you are reading this, you already are on the right way to start your Street workout, because thanks to the tutorial "100 Street workout days" you will get all the necessary knowledge for the beginner such as a training and nutrition.

Reason №2: Discrepancy between Excpectations and Reality

To paraphrase a very well-known bodybuilder, I would say that "everyone wants to look good, but not everyone is ready to go through blood, sweat and tears for it"! And it`s true. If a person doesn`t give up at the beginning, according to the statistics, hehas a very good chance to give up after a few weeks or a few months. That's exactly the time period which beginners give themselves to get first results, and when they do not see any changes, then they either give up training at all (as in the first case), or start looking for the causes. In a second case, if they are zealous enough, they will gain the necessary knowledge and will understand that one can’t just be in a great shape, but one need to train hard and to comply with diet.

It is not difficult, but requires some internal motivation because you need to eat and exercise regularly, day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year. Then the result will come. And it can be also psychologically difficult. Not everyone is ready to start training when he/she realizes the scope of work to be done. A lot of people just immediately give up right from the start.

Solution: Don`t be afraid of the amount of work or the fact that the way to progress may take several months or even several years. In the end, it's your life, and you have just one life, so it's better to spend a few years and to be in great shape to the end of your life, than to grudge the time and then suffer from poor health, lack of strength, lack of attractive appearance, and so on.

I would like to draw your attention once again to the fixation of your progress and getting yourself a training diary. It just can't be that people actively practicing for 2-3 weeks with all their hearts and still not seeing any changes or results in state of health or appearance. Often you simply perceive acquired qualities and skills for granted and forget that just 2-3 weeks ago, you didn`t even have them (+ 1kg of weight, +3 reps, etc.)

Reason №3: Injuries and other health related problems

It`s a pretty common reason for quitting both among beginners and whose who've been training for a more than a year. Injuries can be very different, ranging from simple pain in the joints, to dislocations, sprains and torn ligaments. Firstly, not always people find the strength to overcome laziness and come back to training regime after more or less serious injuries and a period of recovery without training. And I want to warn you that sometimes it can be sufficiently long period of rehabilitation exercises. Secondly, some injuries may be chronic (especially if they are not cured on time), and over the time the training will bring only more problems instead of progress. In this case you have to stop training or find another kind of fitness or sports which will allow you to train without any problems.

Solution: Injury is an unpleasant thing, but not fatal, so if it`s temporary, just give yourself a rest from training to recover and then return. If they are of the kind that is already problematic to continue our training, then you should consider changing the kind of physical activity. The main thing is to move, because health is wealth, and movement is medicine!

Reason №4: Lack of time

It`s a very popular reason among yesterday's school graduates and students. Once they go to college, university or get a job, or a family, then they have no more free time for training. In fact, such major changes interfere with training only temporarily, because, after all, your life changes it's rhythm, but still has one. so you can find time to practice, if you will want it.

Solution: Life is constantly changing and no one knows what will be ahead. And that makes it even more interesting. You should always allocate time for introspection and evaluation of what is happening around you. Are you moving to your goals and dreams, or fall into a rut and don`t see a way out? Feel free to dispose dispose of all superfluous and unnecessary of your life, and I assure you that finding time for Street workout classes will be a snap!

Reason №5: Psychological fatigue

I have already written about the fact that the maintenance of good or excellent shape requires certain physical and psychological costs. And, in contrast to professional athletes, amateurs have no specific goals for what they do. That is, the main goal is obvious, to be healthy, beautiful, strong, and so on, but it is rather vague and doesn`t have a specific date or period of fulfillment. So let's speak not about setting an ultimate goal, but about focusing on the process of training itself. And by the moment, when the process does no longer bring pleasure, a lot of people have decided to abandon training.

Solution: Even the most interesting games eventually become boring if you constantly play them. Give yourself breaks, do something else, take a dancing class, do the cycling or martial arts instead of calisthenics and WorkOut. Just for a while. Open yourself to something new and you will be able to enrich your training and make it more interesting, so you won`t notice how you will want to come back to your training again!

Maybe there are some more reasons that I haven`t mentioned? Write in the comments, and let's discuss and find solutions.

<url="http://workout.su/100DW">100 Days WorkOut - Contents</url>
Отправлено: 06.04.2015 19:04
Успехов, будут вопрос - не стесняйтесь задавать.
Отправлено: 06.04.2015 11:23
В строю.
У меня нестыковка с дыханием.
При выполнении упражнения негативную фазу желательно делать раза в два дольше, чем позитивную. При этом выдох тоже нужно делать длинней вдоха. Вдыхаем мы на расслаблении, а выдыхаем на усилии. </quote>
А можете поподробней, почему негативную фазу нужно делать в 2 раза дольше чем позитивную и выдох нужно делать длинней вдоха?
Отправлено: 06.04.2015 07:03
Я - точно нет
Отправлено: 06.04.2015 07:00

A lot of people who start working out also notice the muscle soreness on the next day. And the participants of our "100 Days WorkOut" programm are no exception from this rule. I would recommend you to get used to this feeling, because now it will be your faithful companion through life. But today's info-post I devote to a discussion of reasons of such kind of pain in muscles and how can you deal with that. Although many people still believe that muscle pain is an indication that you had a good workout, but in reality it is not.

Four kinds of muscle pain

The first kind is like a burning sensation, it occurs directly during exercise and increases as we approach the last reps. It is connected with the fact that a muscle working in anoxic (anaerobic) mode gradually accumulates the so-called lactate (lactic acid) and ions of of hydrogen. More information about the muscles, their structure and energy supply will be discussed in the ADVANCED block.

The second kind is a dull, bursting pain in the muscles, sometimes reaching the level of pain with cramps, occurs when the muscle is subjected to considerable effort being in an extremely flexed state. Try to flex your triceps, withdrawing your arm back and straightening the elbow, and you will feel such kind of pain in it. This happens because significant flexion leads to squeezing the nerve endings which are located between them. This can lead to even further flexing of muscle fibers, and, accordingly, their twitch with even more pain.

The third kind of pain occurs under tension and usually it occurs not in the muscles themselves, but in their tendons under heavey strong external state (load side) tensile forces. This kind of pain is registered by special stretching receptors (sensors) - proprioceptors.

The fourth kind of pain you feel the next day or a day after tomorrow. This pain appears because of micro-ruptures in the muscles, which were obtained during the exercise. These micro-tears hurt.

Muscle pain and results

For a long time it was believed (and in the Internet you can still find this information), that a sign of muscle growth is muscle pain the next day after a workout, but the latest research in this area shows that there is no correlation between muscles micro-tears and muscle growth.

The reason for the pain is that the muscle fibers initially have different length and not always grow the same way. Short and improperly fused fibers are broken when you workout (these are the very micro-breaks), which leads to inflammation in the muscles, the result of which is muscle pain. With time and training these fibers (called myofibrils) come in uniformity, becoming of equal length and start to grow strictly parallel to each other.

However, muscle growth does not stop at this point. Why? Because muscle growth is related to other factors:

- The presence of anabolic hormones (correctly chosen load in training)
- The presence of amino acids in the blood (proper nutrition)
- The presence of hydrogen ions and free creatine (correctly chosen training regime)

Right now that's what you need to know, but we'll come back and look at this issue in detail in the ADVANCED block 😉


Post-workout muscle soreness is relatively safe and goes away after a while, though, of course, the pain can be amplified when trying to exercise using same muscles you've used yesteerday or during their palpation.

<url="http://workout.su/100DW">100 Days WorkOut - Contents</url>