Отправлено: 05.04.2015 19:23

Yesterday we have enumerated reasons why you are not losing weight, so it would be logic to continue this topic today and tell you the reasons why your muscles do not grow!

If you carefully read posts of the first and second weeks (see <url="http://workout.su/100dw">Contents</url>), then you shouldn`t have this problem. But if you still do, then I recommend you to read the list below!

1. You dont get enough calories

This explains, probably 90% of situations, when someone complains that he or she can’t gain weight. Because weight gaining is all about creating a surplus of calorie intake everyday (you should get more energy than spend). Of course, depending on your metabolism, it will be easier or harder to gain muscle mass, but the general principle remains the same! If you want, you can count calories (a more accurate way), or you can just look at the scales and have additional meals (a less precise way). But your goal is to give the body enough "building" blocks, so that it can build your muscle mass!

2. You eat the wrong food

If you want to gain quality mass (not just to create fat stores), you should pay attention to the foods you eat. In the info post about the diet “Tag” we presented you a simple and convenient scheme to detect if a product is good or bad.

3. You dont drink enough water

If you remember that muscle consists of water for 70%, it is no wonder why the insufficient amount of its consumption prevents you from muscle gains! In this case, all you have to do is to carry a bottle of water and drink from it regularly!

4. Your workout is not effective

If you are just starting training then our program <url="http://workout.su/100dw">“100 Days WorkOut”</url> will be enough for you to get results. But if you're not new to working out, then other options (which are less universal and more tailored to your goals, your current level, your physique and your preferences) can be more effective for you.

Or maybe you're just going through the same exercises for a long time and your body has adapted? Without a hard training there won`t be any muscle growth, because the muscle growth itself is the body's response to increase of stress (on muscles). If you will load your muscles above the level you are adapted to, then your body will have to adapt more! Otherwise, don`t complain about the lack of progress.

We already have the info post about tracking the progress. A good indicator of the load increase is the increase in the number of repetitions you perform per workout, but if you start training with additional weight, then you can focus on increasing the weight you lift. You can also increase the intensity by including in the training more complicated exercises, or by reducing rest time, or by doing supersets. In general, there is a great number of options!

Personally I change the exercises in my workout routines every month. It also makes it easier in a psychological way, because my mental attitude to training doesn`t turn into a routine.

5. Your technique is bad

If you want to grow muscles, you need to stimulate muscle growth. If you want to stimulate muscle growth, you need to load them. But it is necessary to load the muscles and feel their work, not just do the exercises for some muscle groups! All repetitions in all exercises should be performed under control (the negative phase twice long than a positive), and with no use of force moment and inertia! It is more than possible that the lack of progress happens due to your technique and the fact that the target muscles are not getting the proper load!

6. Your workout doesn`t meet your goals

It is a quite common mistake among beginners to choose the wrong exercises for their workouts.

For any group of muscles which you want to get growing you need to find exercises which provides you with maximum results. The only way to do this is trial and error, because no internet or magazine article or evern trainers advice know yourself better then you do. You should really learn to "feel" the work of muscles and understand when they are incorporated into the work, and when they are not. Watch videos, read books on physiology and biomechanics, try out, analyze and find the best exercises for yourself!

In fact, this issue applies not only to specific exercises. There are examples when people want to grow mass, but train 2 times a day in an insane amount of reps, and get the opposite result. Or conversely, someone wants to become shredded but does everything (from weight training to huge caloric surplus) opposite and becomes bulky. You should always look at what results you obtain with a particular approach to training and nutrition, and proceed from it.


>7. You don`t train your leg muscles


Unfortunately, it is so widely held among those who practice Street Workout, that many people even think that SW guys don`t train legs at all. In fact, we do exercise and a lot, and often in the same way as the sprinters.

There is, at least, a couple of important reasons for regular leg work. Firstly, aesthetic - do you want to look like a colossus with feet of clay? Secondly, growth hormone - such exercises like squats are train the whole body and helps release growth hormone! So if you want to be big and strong, don`t forget to train legs.

8. You train too much / You dont rest enough

After a good workout you need a good rest! This is a simple rule, but, unfortunately, very often overlooked. When you exercise, you won`t grow muscle, on the contrary, you destroy them, creating micro tears that then overgrown and make muscles stronger (recovery and hypertrophy of muscle fibers).

On the one hand, we are talking that you shouldn`t train the muscles too often (after all, if they don`t have time to recover, you will very soon reach a state of overtraining), and on the other, we are talking about the importance of healthy sleep for a full recovery.

9. You don`t eat after a workout

After a workout our muscles are ready to boot up a good portion of the nutrients that they had just spent. So if you miss this time to feed them, then they will have to find other sources of energy (by destroying other muscles, for example). So never forget to eat after a workout, and preference should be given to those products and dishes that are digested faster. A piece of meat you eat won`t help your muscles because it will digest in the stomach a couple of hours, but a portion of cereal would help it 😉

10. You don`t have enough motivation

A final reason on our list is the lack of motivation to achieve the results you want. Can you say that you really give 100% in your training and do you best during the rest of the day? There are some simple ways to keep track of your progress and determine whether you are moving forward:

* Keep a training diary
* Every month set a small goal
* Make regular photos "Before" and "After"
* Place somewhere a photo of your ideal physique

These simple tips will really help to make your training process more efficient.

<url="http://workout.su/100dw">100 Days WorkOut - Contents</url>
Отправлено: 04.04.2015 19:13
при ваших рекомедациях делать на 60-80% от возможностей именно их организма?

перегруз ЦНС это достаточно серьезный сбой в организме(!), который накапливается очень долгое время, ни за 1 день, и даже не за 2-3 недели и симптоматика будет у этого состояния другой - посерьезнее</quote>
Пара замечаний от капитана очевидность:
- то, что программа рекомендует выполнять на 60-80% от своих максимумов не означает, что все участники так и тренируются
- ЦНС можно ведь не только физ.упражнениями перегрузить. Об образе жизни участников нам практически всегда ничегошеньки неизвестно.
Отправлено: 04.04.2015 19:10
Могут по разному задействоваться отдельные пучки мышцы, но сокращение происходит по всей длине мышечного волокна.
Отправлено: 04.04.2015 07:10
а то получается, что 2 недели поделали простые отжимания и приседания (даже без утяжеления) и вот так сразу себе перегруз ЦНС заработали.</quote>
Для кого простые, а есть люди, которых 10 приседаний с ног валят.
Отправлено: 04.04.2015 07:07

You have been training according to the <url="http://workout.su/100dw">"100 Days WorkOut"</url> program for 30 days already, but for some reason the results are not as good as you expected (although I'm sure that at first signs of progress have already appeared). Why does this happens and what can be done to speed up the process? All answers are in today's post!

1. You have started to train not so long ago

If you led a not very active lifestyle for many years and ate everything you saw, and then at one point decided to change yourself completely, then it is good. But your body will need some time to begin rebuilding. And the longer the time you have lived "wrong", the longer this process will take. Imagine the analogy with the flywheel. A lot of effort is required in order to make it rotate, but it takes much more to make it rotate in the opposite direction!

But maintaining the rotation is relatively easy after that 😉

2. You are impatient

If you set a global goal, so the terms need to be appropriate! In glossy magazines and the Internet promises to lose 10 kilos of weight in a week… But to tell you the hard truth - it is impossible! But what is possible (and healthy!), is to lose 250-500 grams of weight. It seems that this is not enough? But 500 grams per week gives 10 kilos of weight loss in just 5 months! The main thing is to move forward and you will reach the goal eventually!

3. You don't eat enough

If you read carefully the info-posts of the 2nd week, you already know that a significant lack of calories is harmful for the purpose of weight loss, as well as a caloric surplus. Why? First of all, if you consume too few calories, your body slows down metabolism and starts to hoard as much fat as possible so that it has resources to take energy. Secondly, you need to supply the body with the entire set of nutrients! Not to mention the fact that malnutrition upset the balance of hormones, weakens the immune system and can cause a variety of diseases. And the fewer calories you consume in comparison with your level of comfort, the more chances there are to break away from such a diet. Therefore, the proverb "quieter steady wins the race" is much to the point.

4. You think only about numbers

I have repeatedly said, that the weight is just a number on the scale and nothing more (120 kg may look completely different). Therefore, a more accurate indicator will be photos from different angles and measurement of percentage of body fat (scales is not the best tool for this).

5. You dont move enough during a day

A sedentary lifestyle is probably one of the highest prices we have to pay for the fruits of civilization. We sit while having breakfast, we sit in the car or subway on the way to work / school, we sit at work all day, then go home and we sit in front of a computer. All day all we do is sitting. And this really affects our bodies, because they simply can`t understand why do you need to lose weight, if everything is fine? Begin to move more during the day. For example, you can put the car a little further away from the office and take a walk, take the stairs instead of the elevator, take breaks in each hour for brief walks. All together it will have a positive impact on your health!

6. You don't sleep enought

How many hours do you sleep per day? If less than 7-9, then the process of losing weight may be delayed, because sleep affects many processes in the body, ranging from appetite to glucose metabolism. So try to sleep more. Ideally you should sleep until you wake up because you slept!

7. You are too nervous

Stress is very difficult phenomenon (in terms of physiology also), which we can`t consider in detail in this article. But it should be noted, that the level of stress directly affects the level of hormones and motivation, and losing weight! So, minimize getting nervous, especially over nothing! As was mentioned in one good book, "DO NOT PANIC".

8. You are inconstant

Last week, we wrote that a regular training leads to success, while fickle and chaotic training simply doesn`t work.

9. You are stuck at some point

Most often, losing weight is not a smooth process, if you stick to the plan of calories in detail. So if you notice that you stuck and did not move on for a few weeks, this is the first signal to change something. Try to make changes in diet, exercise, or anything else. Imagine that you are standing in front of a closed door with a pile of keys in your pocket and you just need to choose the right key to continue your way.

10. You don`t need to lose weight anymore

It's a pretty interesting point, because you never thought that maybe you just simply don`t need to continue losing weight. It is possible, that you already have the best outcome for yourself and now the challenge is to change the ratio of fat and muscle?

11. Your workouts are not intense enough

If you want to change yourself, you have to do your best. I often see people who train "slipshod", they take 5 minutes breaks between sets, and have enought time to chat with friends. It is not surprising, that there is not even a bead of sweat on their forehead during for the whole workout. Are you the same? Then forget about the results! After all, to reach them, you need to work hard!

12. You have problems with health

There is a very small chance (but still) that your health condition does not allow you to lose weight (for example you have a low level of thyroid hormones). This is possible, but it is worth to remembering that the state of your health is a consequence of your lifestyle (not a cause). But still, ask your doctor to dispel doubts.

13. You have not still changed anything in your lifestyle

Don`t think that now you will try, will do your best, will lose weight and this will be the end. No! That's just a beginning! Your weight, your appearance, your health, all this is not just the result of diet and exercise, it is the result of having a certain way of life! Remember where we started? Your body needs some time to start to rebuilding from the "lazy" state to "active". The same happens when you already lead an active lifestyle! But, to be honest, to be healthy, strong and beautiful is more pleasant 😉

<url="http://workout.su/100dw">100 Days WorkOut - Contents</url>
Отправлено: 03.04.2015 10:32
Можно например делать низкоинтенсивные нагрузки например жимовые.
Это что за зверь ?
Отправлено: 03.04.2015 10:30
это первый признак мышечного утомления</quote>
Я бы сказал - перегруз ЦНС, но в целом да, организм требует пощады 😃
а как отличить просто лень от лени из-за мышечного утомления? 🆒</quote>
А никак, организм всегда будет бунтовать против лишней работы, но мы же хотим дозированными нагрузками потихоньку увеличивать запас прочности и работоспособности.
Отправлено: 03.04.2015 10:26
Действительно, это даже очень удобно, когда тупо белок, тупо калорийность, тупо вес, тупо больше кругов 😃</quote>
А вообще конечно не тупо КБЖУ, вы правы. Но согласитесь, значительная часть людей, принимая спортпит, не знает зачем он нужен именно им, ограничиваясь "улучшает восстановление, способствует росту мышц и т.д.". Понятно, что способствует. Или вот по BCAA тот же вопрос - насколько человек контролиурет свои биохимические показатели, чтобы разбираться на уровне аминокислот, каких ему не хватает. Это не говоря о том же L-карнитине, который еще не охаял только ленивый.
Отправлено: 03.04.2015 10:22
У Олега Терна в <url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25811308">тему разговора</url>, доедаем свои гейнеры/протеины и бегом в макдональдс 😃
Отправлено: 03.04.2015 07:33

Does aging affect training? I don't know why a lot of people are quite worried about the numbers which show their age, but since this topic is interesting for the participants of our program, then are dedicating today's infopost to it!

It is said that a man is as old as he feels, as he feels himself old. And that's true. But not 100%. Our health, our beauty, our abilities - this all depends much more on our lifestyle, on how we spend our time during the day, on our eating habits, on our training regimen and several other factors. In any case, much more than on the numbers showing our age. If you want to attach any real sense to these numbers, then I suggest you should use them as a counter for the number of turnovers you have made across the Sun during your life 😉

I don't say that nothing changes while you are aging, but I want you to understan one simple thing: there is no universal law that all people should be one way at 30 years old and another way at 35 years old. Even if we take people of the same age from the same city we would find an amusing diversity among them.

But somewhere about 30 certain changes begin to develop on one's body, which become stronger year by year. For example an average person after 30 years begin to lose around 250 grams of dry muscle mass per year. And this is just one moment. And the older you get the more of such moments appear. This is called a nature aging process, which is genetically given. The morning sun never lasts a day.

But this doesn't mean that nothing can be done about it. "Health is wealth and movement is medicine!" - these words were not just a moto for WorkOut movement, but they are also 100% truth! Health is the most important thing in your life and if you want to save it - you need to move, you need to train!

The stronger your body is, the easier it will overcome the aging process. It is easier to recover from any malaise, injury or desease if you are constantly moving around!

Did you notice that a lot of people, as they become older, tend to move less and slower? It looks like they are preparing themselves that one day they will just stop at all! Don't be like that! Keep moving no matter what age you are and you will feel yourself healthier, stronger and happier! And to show you this is not just words, just look at this motivational video:

No matter what your age is, you are young enough to start! And I know you like to watch motivational videos, so here are some more:

You are 30?

You are 40?

You are 50?

You are 60?

You are 70?

You are 80?

<url="http://workout.su/100DW">100 Days WorkOut - Contents</url>
Отправлено: 03.04.2015 07:32
Бросайте на главную страницу, в раздел "Статьи", кнопка "Предложить". Статья уйдет на модерацию, а затем опубликуется.
Отправлено: 03.04.2015 07:21
Не приветствует тот, кто не знает.
Общепризнанная эффективная добавка, способствует сохранению и росту мышц при условии правильного приема и соответствующих силовых нагрузках.</quote>
Более того, соответствующие силовые нагрузки и правильный прием пищи (внимание внезапно!) тоже способствуют сохранению и росту мышц. Когда кто-нибудь спрашивает, нужно ли принимать протеин или там BCAA, у меня сразу возникает вопрос - а какой у тебя ежедневный дефицит по белку и BCAA в граммах?
Отправлено: 03.04.2015 07:17
А какие цели решает воркаут?</quote>
Цель воркаута - популяризация воркаута. А вот какие задачи решает каждый с помощью воркаута - это уже отдельная тема.
Отправлено: 03.04.2015 07:00
Что такое банхаммер? И каковы должны быть его функции?</quote>
Банхаммер - возможность банить пользователей - временно или пожизненно. Я считаю, что на workout.su он хоть и редко, но нужен.
Отправлено: 03.04.2015 06:58
Brom ну имейте совесть. Давайте пережуем ситуацию по деталям. Есть пользователь Gadzila 34 лет с удовлетворительным уровнем силовой тренированности как для его возраста (основываемся на данных его профиля). Пользователь просит рассказать, можно ли освоить флаг за 2 месяца (гимнастический элемент далеко не начального уровня), стартуя с его показателей. Предлагает (вполне логично) для его уровня начать с боковых планок. Вы утверждаете, что планки не помогут и выкладываете видео, где парень лет 20 показывает 2 упражнения, из которых:

Первое развивает силу мышц плечевого пояса. По моему скромному мнению будет травмоопасно конкретно для пользователя Gadzila по нескольким причинам. Причина первая - парень не рассказал, как его нужно выполнять (положение лопаток, положение плечей относительно тела, амплитуда движения, темп и т.д.). Причина вторая - считаю опасным, потому что нагрузка идет на плечевые суставы, находящиеся в неестественном положении, считаю, что в нижней точке будет постоянно идти соприкосновение плечевой кости и акромиона, что, в свою очередь, будет травмировать окололежающие структуры сустава.

Второе упражнение повышает силу мышц кора, прежде всего косых мышц живота. Однако конкретно для пользователя Gadzila, считаю также приведет к травмам потому что:
На видео парень опять же не рассказывает как его нужно выполнять, не указывает прогрессию в упражнении и опять же судя по видео, делает его размашисто. А размашистые, неконтролируемые движения будут приводить к тому, что по мере уставания рабочих мышц, нагурзка будет уходить на связочный аппарат позвоночника и на те же межпозвоночные диски (вы кстати так и не ответили что погасит инерцию движения при уставших мышцах)

Я эти моменты и прокомментировал, но не так развернуто. На что в ответ от вас получил аргументацию, что дескать вам не 20 и почти делаете флажок. Зачем вы это написали непонятно, потому что я уверен, знаете что единичный личный пример не означает, что это достоверно и гарантированно будет работать для большинства.

Далее поймавшись на ваши откровенно провокативные "иди и сделай, не надо ла ла" я выполнил первое упражнение для плечевого пояса, схватив боль где-то в районе ключицы (что-то вроде защемления нерва или спазм), которая кстати не прошла до сих пор. Вроде бы тоже личный пример и ничего более, но вы пишите "укрепляй плечи". Так а я о чем. Нельзя давать видео с рекомендациями, которое дает больше вопросов, чем ответов и, начав заниматься по которому, люди могут нанести себе вред только из-за недостаточного уровня подготовки или нарушения техники выполнения, которая и так в видео не разъяснена.

Тем не менее вы на этом не успокоились, а продолжили пользователю Gadzila рассказывать, что советы WasD и ogrudko ничего не стоят, а ваше - единственно верное, да еще и подкреплено личным опытом. На чем строится уверенность, что у Gadzilla все получится - неизвестно. Зачем упомянули, что необязательно для флага подтягиваться 20 раз - неизвестно. Не забыли упрекнуть WasD о том, что ваш возраст больше чем у него и соответственно попытались взывать к авторитету, что является обычным, но довольно неаргументированным приемом риторики.

И при этом вы удивляетесь, что я предложил вас забанить? Опять же переводите в плоскость модераторского произвола?

По-моему более логично было дать советы Gadzila не спешить, постепенно наращивать силу в подводящих упражнениях (коих вы не удосужились выложить), кроме того увели человека с верного пути, где он спрашивал подойдут ли боковые планки в качестве подводящих упражнений - конечно подойдут. В них как минимум существует огромный запас прогрессии нагрузки:

И это видео, которое вы сбросили, может и имеет место быть, но с определенного уровня тренированности, очень близкого к выполнению флага.