Отправлено: 26.10.2015 14:12

Today you can rest or do an easy training session or do a circuit training from either BASIC or ADVANCED block or do a TURBO block circuit. In other words you can do whatever you want. We only have two days left and this means it is time to look into the results, into what we have achieved. We suggest that all participants comment this post and answer the following questions:

1. What positive changes have you experienced during the programme?

- you've increased in number of reps, how many it was before and after;
- you've change your body measurements, increased or decreased in comparison between before and after;
- you've become more enduring, got new friends or a promotion at your job and so on.

2. What negative changes have you experienced during the programme?

- have you had any injuries?
- did your reps decreased?
- did you gained unnecessary weight?
- have you lost all your drinking buddies and so on.

Do not be afraid to post your negative experience. We want to analyse everything and find out reasons to avoid them in the future.

3. What did you like in the programme? What did you miss? And what needs to be added for the next runs of the programme?

4. What did not you like about the programme?

- bad feedback;
- erroneous posts;
- insuffiecient information in daily posts;
- uninformative video/lack of video;
- bad manners

5. If you feel that there is something that does not fall into the first four questions feel free to add.

<url="http://workout.su/100dw">100 Days WorkOut - Contents</url>
Отправлено: 23.10.2015 13:08
<quote name=WasD post="211240">
<quote name=mtbrDot post="211211">
Кроме подтягиваний я вообще не видел, чтобы что-то силовое делали. Т.е. это актуально реально только для двух старших классов.</quote>

9-11 классы, демо-выступление тут мало что даст, в идеале нужно просто дать нам возможность провести 1 урок вместо урока физкультуры для каждого класса в отдельности. От этого будет толк.</quote>

Вряд ли на это пойдут. Техника безопасности, ответственность.
Отправлено: 23.10.2015 08:26
<quote name=WasD post="210689">
Дело в том, что имея ограниченное свободное время и 100500 возможностей, вариант обойти 100 школ, чтобы в 1-2 разрешили провести - не самый рациональный способ потратить своё время.</quote>

сейчас все приличные школы хоть страшненьким но сайтом обзавелись и электрические контакты доступны.

Можно действовать через местных родителей школьников (хотя я думаю нас тут меньшинство). Из того что я вижу в "моей" школе (я там занимаюсь уже три года на местных турниках) и у меня туда ребенок ходит, на турники загонять начинают где-то класса с пятого и то не очень активно. Кроме подтягиваний я вообще не видел, чтобы что-то силовое делали. Т.е. это актуально реально только для двух старших классов.

Но тут литература нафик не нужна: никто читать не будет. Демовыступление, даже на 2-3 мин, сделает гораздо больше.
Отправлено: 22.10.2015 13:05
Фитоняшек вы постите и постите, но Наталья Варлей все равно всех фитоняшнее, даже если не занималась фитнессом 😉
В теме: Фитоняшки
Отправлено: 22.10.2015 11:56
сарказмъ 😉
Отправлено: 22.10.2015 11:02
<quote name=Leo_G post="210551">
По-моему вид спорта определяется соревновательной дисциплиной и ее правилами</quote>

поэтому воркаута не существует, т.к. WasD отрицает соревновательность 😉

(при этом очевидно что соревнования на количество это НЕ-воркаут соревнования).
Отправлено: 22.10.2015 11:00
<quote name=WasD post="210639">
<quote name=Safrayt post="210407">
доводи до 2:30 и будешь деньги рубить на аттракционе с крутящимся турником 😃</quote>

2:30 вешу на обычном, на крутящемся не выигрываю 😦</quote>

А там можно читить хватаясь разнохватом?
Отправлено: 19.10.2015 16:22

The last day of TURBO block and the last circuit for you!

Today you have start with a proper warm-up, since we are going to try our maximums with a ladder style training! Those who have been training for some time or those who remember their childhood are already familiar with the term "ladder training" and for those who do not know what the ladder is there will be a brief manual.

Exercise #1: Pull-ups. Do 1 rep, then get off the bar, then do 2 reps and get off the bar and so on until you reach your maximum. After that do each set decreasing the number of reps by one. So if your max was 10 then do 9, 8, 7 until you do one rep again.

Exercise #2: Push-ups. The same principle applies but this time increase your number by two. Start with 2 reps and add 2 with every set until you hit your maximum and then go down in the same manner.

Exercise #3: Squats. Apply the same scheme here, but start with 5-10 reps and add the same number with each set.

If you reach your true maximum with each exercise you will not be able to do anything else for quite some time 😉 Since this circuit cannot be done oftenly, you can make a video of today's training. And tomorrow will be a rest day and summarise of our training programme.

<url="http://workout.su/100dw">100 Days WorkOut - Contents</url>

P.S. Count all your reps and post your numbers if you are not afraid to share your results.
Отправлено: 19.10.2015 15:37
адская школота. аккаунт в ВК можно держать тока если там что-то продавать ну или по какому-то делу контакты.
В теме: Фитоняшки
Отправлено: 16.10.2015 16:40
Никто видимо. Я не готов его переводить с полным переписыванием.

нужен какой-то сокращенный вариант на русском, тогда возьмусь после трех оставшихся 98/99/100
Отправлено: 16.10.2015 15:07

We have just realized that it was not a very good idea to name TURBO cirtuits with greek letters. Nevertheless there are only four days left!

Warm up thoroughly, because we have prepared something new for you and tday we will train not only for strength, but for coordination too!

First, start with mountain climbers for 3 sets of 30-60 seconds with 10-15 seconds rest in between. Then move onto the strength part, 4 rounds, 3 exercises, 30-60 seconds rest between rounds.

Exercise #1: uneven push-ups. One hand is on the floor and another one is on a raise. 10-20 reps.

Exercise #2: bulgarian split squats. Do them until you are able to maintain perfect technique. Try to do even number of squats for each leg that is it is a good idea to start with the weakest leg.

Try to feel the movement and make it as much as comfortable as possible for you. Targer number of reps: 10-20.

Exercise #3: Pull-ups with alternating knee tucks. Do a regular pull-up and at the same time try to pull one knee to the chest, switch knees for the next rep. 5-10 reps.

<url="http://workout.su/100dw">100 Days WorkOut - Contents</url>
Отправлено: 16.10.2015 13:10

Without futher hesitation lets have a look at the today’s circuit and carry on!

After the warmup do Plank three times for 30-60 seconds with 10-20 second breaks.

Remember the following rules while doing planks:

Feets: the closer they are the harder is to keep your balance and the higher the load for your core. If you are a workout ninja then you can raise one leg into the air!

Legs: keep them straight and tense.

Glutes: Should be tense, it makes it harder to keep balance and increases total load for the core.

Lower back: keep the back flat, do not flex it. Lower back is an indicator: it is time to finish the exercise when your lower back starts sagging. Core muscles keep it straight and when they start failing the load moves on the spine. It is possible to keep the back straight with shoulders and glutes, but it is bad technique.

Elbows: keep them right under your shoulders.

After you are done with planks do the following circuit for 5 rounds with no rest in between:

Exercise #1: narrow/wide push-ups. Switch stances every round, that is if you start with the narrow stance then the next round you do wide push-ups and so on. 10-20 reps depending on your ability.

Exercise #2: sumo squats. 10-30 reps.

Exercise #3: pull-up with a dead hang. Do a pull-up or a chin-up and then hang from the bar for 5-10 seconds. Do 5-10 reps.

<url="http://workout.su/100dw">100 Days WorkOut - Contents</url>
Отправлено: 16.10.2015 10:10

We keep on going in a TURBO mode! Do a good warm-up, then do a horse stance (as you did in the first TURBO day) and move to the new circuit! You will need to do 5 rounds without rest between exercises. Rest only if you need it!

Exercise #1: slow push-ups. Perform push-ups with a tempo 5-0-E. That is you go down in 5 seconds, do not pause in the lower position and push yourself up with a quick effort (explosive!). Do 5-10 reps.

Exercise #2: slow squats. The same idea applies here. Go down very slowly, with the same tempo (5-0-E) and perfect technique! Do 10-20 reps.

Exercise #3: slow pull-ups. Do pull-ups with the same tempo: go up (the positive phase) explosively and without any pause start going down very slowly, in 5 seconds. Do 5-10 reps.

Tommorow will be another day and another circuit for you 😉

<url="http://workout.su/100dw">100 Days WorkOut - Contents</url>
Отправлено: 15.10.2015 18:43
<quote name=Gadzila post="208603">

Сейчас почувствовал неприятные симптомы.</quote>

как-то расплывчато.

PS где трава?
Отправлено: 14.10.2015 18:15
<quote name=WildCat post="208277">
Что и по бегу выходят журналы?!? Мрак... </quote>

и макраме. Вообще, между делом, бег самый массовый вид физкультуры в массах.